An app that helps our student explore their possibilities in post secondary education. Keys to Success offers interest inventories, resume building, scholarships applications, ACT prep and so much more!!! Talk with a counselor about Keys To Success today! Click here to start discovering!
Volunteering is a great way to build a resume and prepare for college! Check out the list below of volunteer opportunities! Talk with your counselor for more information!
Utah Seal of Biliteracy |
Building a resume through service and awards is one of the best ways to prepare for college. The Congressional Award is one of those programs. Participants can be from ages 13.5-23. There are multiple levels of this award. (
Internships are a great way to get experience under a mentor. CTE pathways provide multiple opportunities for internships. If you are interested in an internship pathway talk to your counselor or set up an appointment with Lehi High School's CTE representative. Their information can be found HERE!
Utah Colleges and UniversitiesConcurrent Enrollment info at Lehi High School click here!